In Japan millions of people take chlorella every day, as we take vitamin C here. Chlorella is also gaining ground in the West, thanks to the many health benefits. But what exactly is chlorella? And what are those health benefits? You’ll find out below.
What is chlorella?
Chlorella is a small unicellular algae that lives in freshwater ponds and lakes. Chlorella is one of the oldest forms of plant life on earth; it already exists more than two billion (!) years. It grows in large quantities in Southeast Asia and gives rivers and lakes a green color. Fun fact, Chlorella was discovered in 1890 by a Dutch microbiologist, namely M.W. Beijerinck. He called this alga chlorella, chloros (green) for its color and ella (small) because the alga is microscopically small. Chlorella has a round shape with a diameter of only 2 to 10 micrometers. In 1900, Germany further researched chlorella and research was continued by America and Japan. The cell wall of chlorella consists of three layers, the outer layer of which is extremely strong. This is probably one of the reasons why this alga has been able to hold such a long position on earth.
What does chlorella do for you?
The general effect of chlorella is that it gives energy and prevents fatigue, because chlorella is rich in a large amount of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins C, E and K, iron, zinc, magnesium and all vitamins from the B-complex including B12. There are also many healthy fats, including alpha-linolenic acid and omega 3. Dried chlorella contains about 55-67% protein (twice as much as spinach), 9-18% dietary fiber and a high concentration of chlorophyll, the green leaf color that plants need have to stay alive. In addition, it contains a growth activating material called CGF (chlorella growth factor). The CGF in the cell wall can bind to heavy metals such as lead, mercury and cadmium and chlorella can thus promote internal cleaning, in other words a natural detox.
Thanks to its high chlorophyll content, chlorella facilitates the digestion of nutrients such as proteins and inhibits the growth of unwanted bacteria. The treatment of intestinal and stomach complaints can be effectively supported with chlorella, because it cleanses, cleanses and bowel cleansing works. Chlorella stimulates blood production and makes the blood more powerful; it helps to maintain calcium levels and improves the absorption of iron. But this is not everything.
Medicinal chlorella
Chlorella has an exceptionally long list of health benefits. Chlorella:
• helps with fatigue, lack of energy;
• strengthens the immune system;
• provides protection for food additives;
• supports recovery after illness;
• supports recovery after efforts;
• gives less food allergies;
• supports stress, increased work pressure, depression;
• leans in case of malnutrition, protein deficiency;
• supports pregnancy and nursing;
• supports menopause, menstruation and PMS;
• supports bone decalcification;
• supports with endurance sports and intensive training;
• supports heavy work and heavy study;
• helps with anemia;
• helps with cancer prevention and as an enhancer in cancer therapy;
• protects the kidneys against chemotherapy;
• is UV-light protective;
• counteracts wrinkle formation;
• is good for skin elasticity, good for uniform browning;
• protects against a range of degenerative diseases;
• reduces vision loss;
• is good for tissue building;
• helps with brittle nails and fragile, dry and falling hair;
• helps with wound healing;
• helps prevent muscle breakdown in case of illness;
• helps muscle building with athletes and bodybuilders,
• helps with forgetfulness and loss of concentration;
• works preventively against arteriosclerosis;
• restores a disturbed intestinal flora;
• helps with constipation;
• works restorative for the liver;
• regulates blood sugar levels;
• improves metabolism, reduces sugar and increases the feeling of satiety.
More research is needed, but because chlorella contains few calories, is rich in nutrients such as iron and is rich in protein, the potential is a great addition to any healthy, balanced diet. Chlorella is available in the form of powder, pill or capsule.